

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

my || hello

Hallo… how are you today? Are you Okay? I hope so, :)

 Tonight, like usual, I cannot sleep early, or limit until 09.00 / 10.00  PM JKT. What I doing in this time? “WHY you are so loso kepo hoho ho !!?”
Run in the same place, haha ha. Keep reading and try to writing something well.

“YEHET ! OHORAT !!!” Oh Sehun Style I used, haha ha

Ne, I know that learn something new one or new thing is not easy to take it well or fast to catch what the mean !
Babo, Baboya ! Stupid ! AHHH !!! angry bird mode : ON.

OF COURSE What !!!
YOU think that people become number 1st who the one isNOT starting from ZERO ! They’re start from ZERO to the ONE.

Yes, I know. I only cannot thinking too much about YOU.
“What do you mean?”
I told you already that I don’t want thinking too much about you first until end of August this year, O K !!?

“WHY? Waeyo?”

YOUR world is too like that-lah !
My HEAD-Dizzy *Headache*
PLEASE, go away  from my way ! I want to do something.
Yes, I never hold yours, WHAT??!
Yes, I know. I mean, let me I LIKE you with this way.

I said already that learn something isn’t easy, like what things I wrote. Haha ha. SO, Please help support that I can !

ayufitriyanikr || #Hwaiting !

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